DIY mist maker using IC 555

In this video tutorial i am showing how to build a mist/fog maker using IC 555

Components needed

  • Piezoelectric disc
  • Ic NE555
  • 220uH inductor
  • 10nf capacitor
  • 2*100nf capacitors
  • 10ohm resistor
  • 5k variable resistor
The main component of this project is a piezo electric disc the working of the piezo is very simple.Every piezo has its own resonance frequency i n our case that is 113kz. So if we apply 113kz signal With suitable voltage piezo disc will start to vibrate with 113kz frequency. If we place the piezo on top of a water surface the water will also start to vibrate.mist or fog will form due to the high vibration of water+air
(Watch the video for more detaild view)

Circuit diagram

This circuit is created by greatscott

Working of this circuit
  • Here 555 is using for genarating 113khz signal we can adjust that with 5k variable resistor
  • Using the MOSFET we drive piezo with high voltag
  • Should use 15 volt power supply

I soldered everything in a common pcb

Dont dip the piezo disc on water place the disc just above the water surface

Comments (13)

  1. Nice! what if one wanted to run several piezo units? Say 8 or 12 in tandem?

  2. no

  3. Can one PCB run several piezo? do you need 1 PCB for every piezo?

  4. Can you please help me design a circuit for this Piezo:
    Resonant frequency = 115KHz +/- 5KHz
    Resonant impedance = ≤ 100 ohms
    Static capacitance C's = 2900pF +/- 20% @ 1 KHz
    Voltage input = 3-5 VDC
    Power source = 12 VDC

    Thanks for your help

  5. why you don't use pin 7?

  6. I need to procure these. Can you help me?

  7. Hello. Am interested in this circuit but have very little experience mapping your schematic to a breadboard or PCB. Can you please show a picture of the underside of the PCB that you constructed? That will help me visualize how the traces are supposed to run. Thanks.

  8. Do you have any information on how this circuit can be driven using PWM from an Arduino or Raspberry Pi?

  9. Can anyone explain how this circuit is working and what is the duty cycle of this circuit.

  10. Una consulta de cuantos ohm es el inductor 220 uh

  11. Que pasa si la entrada lo alimento con 12v.

    Porque no diseñas uno de 12vc que es comercial el voltaje

    1. English please

  12. can you send all components.?
    I search in shop but I cant got any components

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